This hack will get you cheap insurance on any Car

 This hack will get you cheap insurance on any Car

This hack will get you cheap insurance on any Car

In todays this blog I am going to show you guys how to get MUCH cheaper insurance on your car. As a young driving it is almost impossible to get insurance when your 17 or 18 years old, so that's why I have came up with a fool proof plan on how to get insurance on your car for cheap! so listen to words in this movie 16 online people experience.

hi guys welcome to another blogpost and today we're gonna be talking about how we can get you cheaper insurance on your car so we all know insurance is the biggest scam for any new driver in some areas of the country it's so hard to get in short it's almost impossible it's like thousands and thousands of pounds so that's why today I'm going to be showing you guys how to get cheaper insurance and hopefully at least half the price of the quote you're getting if you're like me you've passed your test straight away first thing you did you got home and you looked how much the insurance is going to be on your car that you've been a learner on or on a car that you're looking at buying you found out how ridiculous Insurance prices are I was looking at two thousand three hundred Great British pounds to get your order my car for a year this is way too much money to be spending on a [ __ ] brand new BMW M4 let alone a 1.4 liter 75 horsepower cool sir it's ridiculous so that's why I'm here to show you guys how I got my insurance from 2 300 pounds to 1 100 pounds so step one you've got to figure out what comparison site you're going to use I'm going to be using uh compare the market on the little meerkats but is good as well but the only reason I don't use it is because like I don't know 

I thought the website's too confusing so I don't use it but use what you want we're using compare the market in this tutorial step two is your car by now you should have already put in the registration of the car you're wondering sure or you're hoping to ensure so in this tutorial we're only going to go through the settings that actually matter so I'm gonna if we if you see us ignore some then that is just because they don't matter so be honest well we're gonna be honest anyway but be very honest so what do you use your car for so so the first one is uh social domestic pleasure so that's basically normal day use but not going to work in the car the other one is social domestic pleasure and commuting that is every that is exactly what the last one was and you get to go to work and the last one is everything but you also use your car for work so if it was a van or something so best way to do it is to be completely honest and if you're gonna use it to go to work say you're going to use it to go to work it doesn't really matter but if you have a black box they'll be able to tell like you go to this exact place every morning or something so they'll figure it out so just be honest so the next one is how many miles to put to put on your insurance so I'd say about 7500 for your first year and then kind of Judge it from there so reason reasons only 7 500 is because it's it's like a good amount of Miles next year your insurance comes in and you want to renew it you could like see how many miles 

you did this last year and adjust it from there if you know what I mean but for now give yourself a good amount of Miles about 7 500 will though where you keep your car in the day doesn't really matter but where you keep your car at night is very very important so listen in lock garage is the cheapest one if you've got a locked garage whack your car in there so you could achieve this go if you don't have a garage uh you can put your car in a driveway that's the second cheapest and the last one is like a street away from home that is just the more most expensive one on there you can press more options and stuff like that but the more options is is very similar to the drive and all that basically be honest on this one but try and do your best to put it in a garage or try and do your best to put it on a drive you know give parents call off the drive and put yours on there if you have to just you know get it cheaper as much as you can so the next part is actually the simplest part just this entire section just be completely honest because there's no way you can really lie but unfortunately the one we can't do anything about it it's gonna be the place where it's most expensive and can vary from pretty much everyone so your insurance Price is judged on your postcode and unfortunately it's just how it is uh from like more high risk areas said by the insurance it's a shame that you just can't do anything about it but you can't I mean yeah 

I mean I don't know what you'd do if you can figure out something else to do then you know give it a go but I don't know what you could do about that I bought for a move house if you you're interested in doing that to lower your insurance but that might cost you a bit more money than just your insurance now for the additional drivers part this is where it gets a little bit interesting so here you could really change your insurance quote so I'm going to give you free methods here these vary for all different people so try all three and see what you get so the first one the first thing to try is having two additional drivers along with yourself so that could be your mom your dad if you don't if you can't use your parents just anyone who's had their license for like a 20-ish years could be grandparents literally anywhere it doesn't matter who who they are to you all that matters is that they've had their license for 20 around 20 years so it's nice and cheap

 the second method to try is only having one additional driver I don't know why but sometimes this should makes it cheaper so just give it a go see if you can get and see see if only ever One driver gives you a cheaper quote sometimes it does the third thing to try is just yourself strangely this sometimes makes it cheaper so you might as well just give all three a go and see your cheapest quote that's what I'd do step four so this is what you're gonna do this bit you're gonna go I'm gonna say exactly what you put and you're gonna go down in order so so yes comprehensive one annual payment and this is uh just to see what the quote will be and then you can choose if you want it monthly after it doesn't matter but we just want to see what the quote gonna be the next bit is literally weirdly

 the most important part of the quote that you can change if your insurance code is too high try to put your insurance from around seven days from now that can really lower the insurance I don't know why when it when it asks you to choose when the insurance start I don't know why but seven days from now around then couldn't cut it down by half give that a go it's a weird one but definitely give that a go and see what you get next one put around 250 quid and say if you've got any no claims obviously if you're new driver you won't but if you're an experienced driver put if you've got any nightclubs press next and then press no other side layer for now on all of them now it's finally time for your quote now guys have a look at the quotes what you what do you get put in the comments section if you've got a decent quote but if you're still too high try the additional driver's idea that I said you know if you tried two two additional drivers there try one and then still two I try zero just see what you get and then choose your cheapest from there so guys unfortunately that is the end of today's blogpost If you guys did enjoy it make sure to smash follow for more and if I helped any of you guys out to lower your shortages  I'll see you guys later goodbye goodbye guys 
