AMP House Massacre

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AMP House Massacre movie review

Released by: 4Digital Media (Currently US Only)
Format: Digital
Available: Now

"AMP House Massacre" is your typical ‘slasher on the loose’ thriller, but one where you may find yourself rooting for the killer to wipe out every character in sight.

The story kicks off by introducing the cast as a group of popular YouTube personalities. The leader of the pack, Mario Stillwell (played by Dallas Hart), is the biggest influencer on the platform, amassing a fortune. To celebrate his success, Mario purchases a lavish mansion for himself, his close confidante Janelle (Kara Royster), and their circle of insufferable friends. The house serves as their content creation hub, allowing them to flood the internet with daily vlogs and updates, all while living their so-called "important" lives under constant self-imposed surveillance.

Before the actual plot unfolds, we are bombarded with a barrage of their posts, setting the scene for Mario’s big anniversary bash. Unfortunately, Mario ends up floating face-down in the pool by the end of the night. Fast forward one year, and the remaining group members are still glued to their screens, posting videos while dealing with increasing tension among them after Mario’s mysterious death. Things take a dark turn when a masked figure—sporting a rather cool LED-lit mask—locks them in their high-tech mansion and starts picking them off one by one.

That’s essentially the entire plot. The film, co-directed by Dame Pierre and Mike Ware, delivers the basic elements of a slasher, but apart from its modern-day twist on social media fame, it doesn't offer much originality. One thing to be thankful for is the decision to avoid the typical shaky-cam or found footage style, even though the characters live their lives through a lens. The ensemble cast is mostly forgettable and irritating, with their personalities blending into one another. The only standout feature is the killer’s mask, which adds a small touch of intrigue to an otherwise standard thriller.

In the end, "AMP House Massacre" is a paint-by-numbers horror flick aimed at a younger audience—one that might still be fascinated with the world of YouTube. But honestly, isn’t everyone flocking to TikTok these days?

Genre: Crime, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Dame Pierre, Mike Ware
Actors: Brandon Perea, Cassandra Scerbo, Christopher O'Neal, Ciera Angelia, Dallas Hart, Kara Royster, Pedro Correa, Rafael Cebrian
Company: Wet Paws Media
Duration: 1h 20min
Release: 2024
Release Date: 2024-11-20
